sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2016

Psicose - Exercício de tradução



`You live here all alone, the two of you?`

`Yes. There`s never been anybody else. Never.`

`It must be pretty hard on you.`

`I`m not complaining. Don`t misunderstand. My father went away when I was still a baby. Mother took care of me all alone. There was enough money on her side of the family to keep us going, I guess, until I grew up. Then she mortgaged the house, sold the farm, and built this motel. We ran it together, and it was a good thing-- until the new highway cut us off. Actually, of course, she started failing long before then. And it was my turn to take care of her. But sometimes it isn`t so easy.`

`There are no other relatives?`


`And you`ve never married? I`m sorry. I didn`t mean to ask personal questions.`

`That`s all right. I`ve never married. Mother was--funny---about those things. I--I`ve never even sat at a table with a girl like this before. Sounds odd, doesn`t it, in this day and age? I know that. But it has to be. I tell myself that she`d be lost without me, now--maybe the real truth is that I`d be even more lost without her. I`d like to offer you a drink but--you see-- Mother doesn`t approve of liquor in the house.`

`You aren`t allowed to smoke. You aren`t allowed to drink. You aren`t allowed to see any girls. Just what do you do, besides run the motel and attend to your mother?`

`Oh, I`ve got lots of things to do, really. I read quite a lot. And there are other hobbies.`


`Well, no. Just taxidermy. George Blount gave me that squirrel to stuff. He shot it. Mother doesn`t want me to handle firearms.`

`Mr. Bates, you`ll pardon me for saying this but how long do you intend to go on this way? You`re a grown man. You certainly must realize that you can`t be expected to act like a little boy all the rest of your life. I don`t mean to be rude, but --`

`I understand. I`m well aware of the situation. As I told you, I`ve done a bit of reading. I know what the psychologists say about such things. But I have a duty toward my mother.`

`Wouldn`t you perhaps be full filling that duty to her, and to yourself as well, if you arranged to put her in an… institution?`

`She`s not crazy! No matter what you think, or anybody thinks. No matter what the books say, or what those doctors would say out at the asylum. I know all about that. They`d certify her in a hurry and lock her away if they could--all I`d have to do is give them the word. But I wouldn`t, because I know_ Don`t you understand that? I know, and they don`t know. They don`t know how she took care of me all those years, when there was nobody else who cared, how she worked for me and suffered because of me, the sacrifices she made. If she`s a little odd now, it`s my fault, I`m responsible. When she came to me that time, told me she wanted to get married again, I`m the one who stopped her. Yes, I stopped her, I was to blame for that! You don`t have to tell me about jealousy, possessiveness… I was worse than she could ever be. Ten times crazier, if that`s the word you want to use. They`d have locked me up in a minute if they knew the things I said and did, the way I carried on. Well, I got over it, finally. And she didn`t. But who are you to say a person should be put away? I think perhaps all of us go a little crazy at times.”

Need translations? English to Portugueses? click here https://tonyed35.wixsite.com/traduzindo